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Coagulation and Flocculation

WTS Coagulant and Flocculant Water Treatment Products

WTS Water Treatment Products

Water Treatment Services (WTS) have a long history in treating municipal and industrial waste and potable water treatment systems. We specialise in organic, inorganic and specialty blended products that selected to give the best performance is solid settling and liquid/solid separation processes.

Our product range includes:

  • Inorganic Coagulants
  • Organic Coagulants
  • Blended Coagulants
  • Organic Flocculants
  • Filter Aid Products
  • Dewatering Aid Products

WTS Coagulant Products

WTS have a range of inorganic coagulants (WTS 8-23, WTS 8-00), organic coagulants (WTS 8-CC40L, WTS 8-CC20H, WTS 8-CC997) and blended coagulants (WTS 8-CA1-5, WTS 8-CA10, WTS 8-CA1-15H etc.). Our Water Treatments Specialist will assist with jar testing, site surveys and onsite trials to ensure you have the right WTS coagulant for your process.

WTS Flocculant Products

WTS have a range of flocculant products to treat your wastewater or potable water plant, to achieve the best quality water possible for your treatment process.

Our flocculant products exist in powder or emulsion forms, with low to high charge, low to high molecular weights and exist in linear, branched and cross-linked forms.

Potable Water

Our potable water products are suitable for drinking water treatment plant applications, and can help improve settling, water clarity and reduce operational issues. Our filter aid products help achieve better filter clarity results and improve filter performance and run times. Our range of products include cationic, anionic and non-ionic charged products such as WTS 8-A0510P, WTS 8-N9910P and WTS 8-C1010P.


Our waste water products exist in powdered and emulsion forms, with cationic and anionic products available depending on the required application. WTS dewatering aids produce excellent solid/liquid separation results, with excellent dry solids achieved from belt filter presses and centrifuges. WTS products are also used to improve solid settling in thickeners and sludge lagoons as well as any other application where solid settling is required. Our unique powdered PolyGlu product is used to improve solid settling in lagoons, dams and other industrial settling processes.

Wastewater flocculant products range from cationic powders (8-C1010P, 8-C8718Z) to anionic liquid emulsions (WTS 8-AE1020, WTS 8-AD2510) and everything in between.


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